About me
Lindsay Kennedy is a playwright, performer, dramaturg, and director. She has been honored nationally for her work as a playwright—her plays, River Like Sin and Rattler were semi-finalists for the O’Neill National Playwrights Conference and her in-development musical Like Cinders (written with Rebecca Nisco) was a semi-finalist with the O'Neill National Music Theater Conference. She has directed and dramaturged for companies like the Unicorn Theatre, Confluence Theatre, and St. Louis Shakespeare, as well as worked independently with a number of playwrights as a new work dramaturg and director. Her acting training is highly movement focused—she has training in puppetry and Japanese dance-theatre Butoh, and her acting teaching focuses heavily on mask work. Her research specializes in the performance, textual history, and adaptation of Shakespeare's plays. She is particularly interested in exploring the relationship between textual editing and performance interpretations, and the performance possibilities of alternative Shakespearian texts onstage—bringing together her experience editing Shakespearian texts for performance, directing his work, and her knowledge of Early Modern print culture and textual history. She is a proud member of the Dramatists’ Guild and has an MFA in Playwriting from the Catholic University of America. She has a PhD in Early Modern Drama from Saint Louis University and is an Assistant Professor of Theatre at Benedictine College.